Find The Best Breast Implant Surgeon in Melbourne

Selecting a Breast Implant Surgeon in Melbourne
There has been a constant increase in some women going for plastic surgery. Almost every woman wishes to resize, reshape and enhance her breast size lost after weight reduction, pregnancy or trauma to the chest.
Breast implants are there to fulfil your desire for attractive and firmer breasts. With an improvement in surgical methods and breast-implant technology, the breast implant surgical procedure has become more refined. The increase in the field of medical science has simplified the process of surgery.
Breast implants may come in different sizes and shapes, be sure to learn all that you can about your choices when selecting breast implants. The variety of breast implant that you choose for surgery should be based on your desired change in profile and cleavage. Factors include:
1. Positioning
2. Surface texture
3. Shape
4. Personal anatomy and other considerations
Breast implant surgery with implants seems to be gaining popularity about women wanting to correct or improve the size of their very small breasts, which can hurt their confidence and self-esteem. Despite the hefty price tag, breast enlargement surgery remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to be carried out in Melbourne.
Silicone Or Saline Implants?
There are two types of implants available for breast implants in Melbourne and the rest of the other States: silicone and saline. Both types of implants are safe and effective, and each has its positive characteristics. The type of implant you select is truly dependent on your desired result.
Silicone implants are made with a silicone gel, which has the consistency of human fatty tissue. This can give a silicone implant a more natural look and feel than saline. Women who are starting off with smaller breasts or those who have thin skin might prefer the more natural look of silicone. They are approved by the FDA for patients 22 years old or older.
If a silicone implant ruptures, the gel is not absorbed by the body, which can make the rupture or leak challenging to detect. While there is no evidence that a leaking silicone implant will harm your health, it can eventually cause the breast to change shape. You will need routine MRIs to detect any ruptures.
Saline breast implants are filled with saline solution (salt water), and have a firmer look and feel than silicone implants. They are FDA approved for patients 18 years old or older. They can be placed in the implant pocket and then filled, which means you can have a smaller incision than you can with silicone.
Saline implants are also easier to catch when they rupture or leak. The body will absorb the salt water, so there will be a difference in the size and shape of the breasts that will be quickly noticeable. There is a lower rate of hardening with saline implants, as well.
Location of Implants
Along with deciding what kind of implant to get, The doctors will decide where to place the implant. You have the option of placing it over the muscle that lies under the breast tissue, under it, or partially under it.
If you are thin-skinned in the chest, over the muscle implants will give you a visible, round look because the outline of the implant will be clear. Most patients want to avoid this because of the unnatural look. If you have thicker skin in the chest, this should not be an issue for you.
Over the muscle implant placement requires less recovery time and is less uncomfortable for the patient, because the muscle remains intact and less tissue is disturbed. This placement gives you the option to use larger sized implants and will give you a more rounded appearance with more pronounced cleavage.
The fatty tissue, skin, and other breast tissues support the over the muscle implant, which means there is a higher chance of the implant sliding out of position, or "bottoming out."
Under the muscle, implants are placed with the top 2/3 under the chest muscle, and the bottom 1/3 is supported by connective tissue. This placement requires more disruption of the tissues, so it has a longer recovery time. However, there is less chance of distortion of the breast shape (like rippling), and less chance of the implants bottoming out. It also gives the patient a more natural looking result, and mammograms are easier to read with this placement.
Patients can also elect to get a partial under the muscle placement, wherein the top of the implant is back the muscle, and the bottom is supported by a skin and breast tissue. It gives you the more natural look of a total under the muscle placement but is more comfortable to place. This partial placement still carries the bottoming-out risk.
Your plastic surgeon in Melbourne will help you decide which placement is best for your body type, implant size, and desired silhouette.
Incision Choices
How visible will my scar be after surgery? That is one of the most common concerns for patients considering breast implants. This will depend on the aftercare your incision receives, but the location of the incision will also have an impact on its visibility.
There are four basic types of incisions available with breast implants, some of which are dependent on the type of implant you select. These four incision locations are: at the mammary fold (known as the inframammary incision), around the areola, in the armpit, and in the abdomen button.
The belly button and armpit incisions are relatively uncommon. Due to their distance from the breast, both incisions may require the use of endoscopes to correctly place the implant. Even with the use of tiny cameras, there is a chance that the implants will be placed asymmetrically.
Areola and inframammary incisions are much more common. The surgeon has more control over precisely where the implant is placed with these two incisions. Both incisions have about the same recovery time, and both should heal faintly and be barely noticeable (especially the inframammary incision, which will be hidden in the breast fold).
Some women express concern that an incision at the areola will cause them to lose feeling in the nipple, but a Board Certified Virginia plastic surgeon would perform the incision correctly and precisely to minimize the risk. Risk of losing nipple sensation is present no matter what type of incision you select.
Overview of the Surgery
Upon arriving at the surgery centre and being prepared for the procedure, you will be given an anaesthetic. Once it takes effect, the surgeon will make an incision in the spot you discussed and selected. Some incisions will require him to cut through breast tissue to get to the spot where the implant is to be placed.
The surgeon will then create a pocket for the implant, either above or below the muscle. If you selected a silicone implant, it would be placed as-is. If you choose a saline implant, the shell would be placed first, and then it will be filled to the desired size.
The incision will then be secured with sutures and surgical tape. The breasts will be wrapped up in gauze, or you will be given a post-surgical bra. You will be guided to a recovery room while the anaesthesia wears off. Depending on your surgery, you may need to stay overnight.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery offered to eliminate localized fat deposits from various parts of the body. You can aim at a precise area and have fat extracted. This kind of fat is hard to lose with dieting or workout. Though there is a mixed notion that liposuction is a procedure for obesity. This surgery is mainly done to remove fatty deposits or loose sagging skin from a particular area. There is enough skin left back which does not disturb the body configuration and adds value to the body silhouette.
Through the first 48 hours after surgery, you will probably experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. The pain will be managed with medications prescribed by the surgeon, and the wrappings around the breasts will help keep the swelling to a minimum. You might feel groggy or sleepy as the effects of the anaesthesia fade.
There may be some continued discomfort and tenderness for one to two weeks after the surgery, which you can manage with the prescribed medications. The breasts may change shape as the implants settle into their position in the breast pocket. Proper hydration, decreased general activity, gentle chest massage, and wearing compression garments provided by the surgeon will all help reduce swelling during your recovery time.
After about ten days to two weeks, most patients will be able to return to their normal activities and return to exercise or strenuous work after about six weeks. During this time, you will want to avoid reaching over your head or bending over more than you have to.
Possible Risks
Breast implants is a medical procedure, so there are some possible risks. You can decrease the likelihood of experiencing complications by selecting a Board Certified plastic surgeon in Virginia. Board Certified surgeons have the knowledge and discipline necessary to perform breast implants well, and with as little risk as possible.
Some risks of the surgery include implant asymmetry (a chance that increases if you use armpit or belly button incisions), nerve damage, capsular contracture, bleeding, hematoma, infection, and changes in nipple and breast sensation. Other risks include visible scarring, implant rupture, implant rippling, and blood clots. There are mainly two types of breast implants.
The average breast implant cost of today can run as little as $8, 000 and can be as high as $13, 000 or more, depending on several factors that depend on the surgeon, implant type, anaesthesiology costs, and facility expenses. Some of these costs can be considered flexible, and other costs can be regarded as fixed. A thorough investigation of your options can save you money where appropriate. Choosing who will perform your surgery and where it will be performed based solely on cost is not recommended.
Regardless, picking your surgeon and your facilities based on the inclusive decisions of cost, skill, and comfort is a more prudent route of choosing your procedure details. One of the costs that are variable for women looking at implants includes the type of implants you want.
Saline-filled breast implants cost less than those made of silicone. There are more differences between the two other than cost. Only a qualified surgeon can aid you to select the implant type that works for you.
Your surgeon will have his or her costs for doing the procedure. These costs can be highly variable and may be different from one area of your state than another. Many surgeons base their fee scale on the per capita income of the area of their practice. Traveling long distances to try to save some money can be difficult on you post surgery. You should consider this idea carefully before trying to cut costs this way.
The surgery will require that you go to sleep, and thus an anaesthesiologist will need to join the team. Most cosmetic surgeons have an anaesthesiologist that they prefer to work with. Their fees are different and separate from those of your cosmetic surgeon as they are a different type of medicine. This aspect is usually thought to be a fixed cost.
The facility fee is another fee that factors into the overall breast implant cost. Each facility has its method of setting their fees, although the surgeon selects most facilities. If you want to pick another service than your surgeon recommends based solely on cost, you might be hampered in your recovery period. Of course, you can always discuss this avenue with your doctor.
Every plastic surgeon has their preferences and has their standard of practice when it comes to the way they provide their services. The general fees and costs that you are initially presented with are an outline of the costs associated with the terms already set by the doctor. You are not likely to be able to convince him or her to go off protocol to save money, and it isn't recommended to cut necessary corners when having surgery.
When examining costs, remember that a job well done is the most important investment you can make. The average breast implant cost is more likely to vary more by region than it is by other factors in your area. It is not unusual for women to want the best. After all, a high-quality breast implants is an investment in self-image.
So, keep all these factors in mind while selecting a breast implant surgeon. Take a look at Find My Surgeon for lots more info on cosmetic surgery.
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